When Amyla asked me to be her person-of-honor in her wedding, I cried for the joy of it. She an' Cholgosh, in particular, have allowed me into their inner circle, and it feels unimaginably good to be cared about by people I cherish with so much of my heart. Amy is truly turnin' into somethin' more than a sister to me, fillin' a void I didn't even know was there. They're both kindred spirits to me, feelin' things as intensely as I do, and I can only hope and pray that I can somehow reciprocate the wonder of this friendship.
The three of us can be found slummin' 'round Firefly's or The Cup, as seen here. I dunno that I could ever convey how loved I feel by these two, but it's a mighty heady feelin'. I reckon it was meant to be - I mean, all three of us love writin' and raisin' hell. All three of us are outcasts in our own right, but none ofus have let that go interferin' with who we really are, and I adore that 'bout 'em, along with the rest of the folk of Blackburne Downport. I guess I truly have found my home after roamin' for so long. It's a good feelin'.
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